What is SBA Full Form in Medical?
The SBA full form in medical is Skilled Birth Attendant. A SBA is a trained healthcare practitioner, such as a midwife, nurse, or doctor. They are certified to give care during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. SBAs play an important role in promoting safe deliveries. They use evidence-based procedures to manage normal births and identify difficulties early on.
Role of SBA in healthcare:
They are adept at performing critical procedures such as neonatal resuscitation, hemorrhage management, and other obstetric crises, frequently providing lifesaving treatment or facilitating quick referrals to higher-level facilities. Beyond childbirth, SBAs provide prenatal and postnatal care, breastfeeding support, and family planning advice, all of which help to improve mother and newborn health. They are also trained to identify and manage any type of complications that might occur in women and child, at the time of childbirth.
Advantages of having SBAs in healthcare:
Increasing access to SBAs is an important method for improving global health outcomes and meeting targets such as the Sustainable Development Goals for ensuring healthy lives and fostering well-being. Their presence has been found to drastically lower maternal and newborn mortality by providing safe, sanitary, and effective care. They will resuscitate the newborn during the time of childbirth. And give them parental support as well.