What is DJ Full Form in Medical?
The DJ full form in medical term is Double J Stenting. A specific medical device designed for urology is known as a stent-the thin and flexible tubing which is introduced inside the ureter. The conduit that connects kidney to urinary bladder. This exercise was enlisted to promote reflux of urine and also to counter flow obstructive conditions. The Double J comes from the distinct morphology of the stent, with ends coiling in both directions into a ‘J’ to fix it, anchorage into the kidney and bladder at both ends.
Applications of DJ stenting:
A DJ stent is used usually where there is a ureteral blockage or likelihood of an obstruction: For example, kidney stones, tumors, strictures, or post-operative swelling after any urological procedure may block the urethral region. The cause can be the same, hydronephrosis by virtue of obstruction at a higher level; in other words, an inflamed kidney due to the accumulation of urine. Also, in pregnant women, it could be used to unload the compressing ureter, due to the enlarging uterus, and it can also be brought in for patients who would otherwise have a blocked ureter due to a tumor in the urinary tract.
DJ procedure:
Inserting a DJ stent is minimally invasive and performed under local or general anesthesia. A cystoscope will guide the stent to the ureter. Temporary stenting lasts for weeks to months, depending on the patient’s condition and reason for insertion. While it is very effective, DJ stents can produce mild side effects such as discomfort in the bladder or kidney area, increased urinary urgency or frequency, blood in the urine, and very rarely, urinary tract infections.