ARCP Full Form in Medical

What is ARCP Full Form in Medical?

The Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) is the full name of the medical ARCP. To guarantee that a high standard of care is being provided, the ARCP project enables an organized, ongoing evaluation of doctors’ competencies from the beginning of their training to the consultant level. Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA) on an online trainee portfolio serves as proof of this. This aids in creating a qualitative assessment of your training performance that the ARCP panel will review at least once every 12 months. However, it is not an evaluation in and of itself.


All trainees are subject to the ARCP process, including those enrolled in core training, less-than-full-time training, foundation trainees, specialty trainees, or specialty registrars (including general practice trainees). This also applies to trainees enrolled in clinical or integrated academic programs.


For physicians undergoing training, an ARCP is conducted every 12 months, typically coinciding with advancement to the following year of the program. It is a useful tool for examining and documenting the data pertaining to a trainee’s performance during the training course in compliance with GMC regulations.